Benefits of using CFDs


What are CFDs?

CFDs, or contracts for difference, are a form of trading that can benefit an investor. The best part about CFDs is that there is no need to keep any currency at all. Because traders never have access to any foreign currency, it negates many risks associated with international trading. This gives individual investors more power than ever before when they trade using this method.

Try out the benefits of CFDs at Saxo and experience more power as an individual investor.

Simple to understand

The first advantage of using these products is that they are simple to understand, unlike some traditional markets like shares, commodities or currency pairs. The product works by determining the difference between the buy and sell price of an asset. This means that buyers buy assets at a lower price while brokers sell them at a higher price. The difference in prices ensures that there is always money to be made in CFDs.

More flexible than other markets

Another advantage of using these products for investment is that you can trade them in ways other markets cannot. For example, you will find it difficult to open both long and short positions when trading shares, but you can do this with CFDs. This makes them ideal for traders who want to benefit from several market conditions. With CFDs, traders have much more flexibility in their trades compared to other tradable assets.

Capital is readily available.

There are also vast amounts of capital available through several providers; this means that traders do not have to worry about finding the required capital to trade CFDs. The minimum deposit for trading in this product is usually less than many traditional markets. This makes it easier for people with smaller budgets to participate in these investments. It is also possible to access leverage when investing because brokers provide traders with credit based on the same asset they are buying. Therefore, you will enjoy much higher returns than what you would get if you were trading shares or other tradable assets.


When you trade with CFDs, it will enable you with leverage which means that you can use a small initial deposit as capital for your trade transactions. The standard leverage ratio is 1:20, but some brokers provide ratios of up 2:1, which are beneficial for traders who want to make more significant trades without putting in very much money at risk. Since this type of trading is done using borrowed funds, traders need to make sure that they understand the risks involved. This means you will need to deposit a minimum of $500 as initial capital before you can start trading.


CFDs are traded on margin, borrowing money from the broker to buy or sell an asset. The commissions charged by brokers for each trade transaction is typically between two percent and five percent per side. This means that you will lose between 4% and 10% of your investment after making a trade. These margins need to be paid regardless of if a position is closed out at a profit or loss. Therefore, traders need to consider this additional expense whenever they invest in this product to avoid losses.

Contract Size

One point of consideration when trading with CFDs is that the contract size is typically smaller than for other assets. This means that you will be limited to trading in smaller amounts of financial assets. For example, one share is traded for approximately $10, while most CFD instruments only have a value of $1.


When it comes to tax considerations, CFDs are considered offshore derivative products. This means that you will not pay any capital gains on your profits when you sell this product. However, parties involved in the transaction will need to trade at least once every three months if they do not want to be taxed on their gains. Although there are several benefits associated with CFD trading, traders should remember that there are risks associated with it.

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